What is a Woman? – The denial of Truth
Excellent Discussion by Matt on Truth.
It all comes down to Truth, are you a child of Truth or a child of lies.
As Matt said, they tried to prevent him from speaking and in fact he is speaking truth and so they were trying to prevent speaking truth. A college campus should be a place of open exchanges of ideas, and also the Truth.
I am more and more convinced, that if you choose to live a lie, promote a lie, and believe a lie, the end result is insanity.
We are seeing this in society now, more and more people choosing lies over Truth.
it started in the garden of Eden, and has been going on through all of history to today.
Each person has to decide if they will be a child of Truth and a child of the Father of Truth
Or a child of lies and a child of the father of lies.
It is really that simple.