We are in a new age of unreason
Truth is the deciding factor in today’s society.
We are in an age of Cultural Totalitarianism. No alternative is to be permitted.
If a person says, that can descend from my ideology, and you say you’re bringing evidence to oppose me, that cannot be the case. If you’re denying evidence and reality, and thinking, and engagement with an idea, then you’re denying reason itself.
The irony is, and an age of supposed reason we’re so rational that we’ve dispensed with religion, only idiots have any kind of religion sense, because it’s not all based on reason. that’s the thinking.
So we’re so rationally got rid of religion, and yet, we’re repudiating rationality completely. This is something that does not quit add up.
We are in a new age of unreason. That’s what we’re in, An age of unreason. That’s what we’ve unleased, and its an irony because we’ve done it under the egis of being rational.
But in getting rid of religion, we have unleased an age of unreason, and what follows from that is the erosion of freedom. Freedom to think, freedom to speak, freedom to act. And a complete confusion about where the limit should be draw between what I want and what others need. my duty to others and my wish to realize my own potential. in other words, its I vs we.
The confusion is epic.