Charlie Kirk: Christian Values Under Attack, JFK’s Death, & How Trump Changed Politics Forever
Realization that there is a spiritual battle going on, is the first step in seeing the reality around us.
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Realization that there is a spiritual battle going on, is the first step in seeing the reality around us.
Good points made in this video
This is an excellent video discussing the spiritual battle that is going on all around us every day of our life. If we could see True Reality, we would fall in prayer asking the Father of Truth to deliver us. Choose to be a child of Truth = TeknaTruth
who do you think is behind the woke mind virus? it is spiritual, we are in the midst of a spiritual battle. It does not make logical sense, unless you think of it from the mind of the father of lies and deception. his goal is to destroy the human race, period, full stop. now […]
Neil discusses the forces between good and evil. True words, by a child of Truth
We live in an age where deception and falsehood is all around us. It is important to listen and discern what is True and what is false.
Tucker is waking up to the spiritual forces that are all around us.
Stand for what is True, do not follow or believe a lie. When you follow a lie long enough, it leads to insanity.