You Don’t Know What Possesses You When You Lie – Jordan Peterson
Powerful comments from Jordan Peterson on lying.
Stop lying, because then it is you who is living.
When you lie, you are not living in reality, you are living in a false reality where you are trying to make your lie into truth. This does not work, you are living a false self, a false reality. Choose the live in Truth, no matter the consequences, at least then you are living a real life not a false life.
You don’t know what possess you when you lie. You think they are your lies.
Where did the idea of the lie come from? Was it really from your inner being? Or was it a suggestion from outside of your being? What is the source of lies? the source of denying reality?
Jung said people don’t have ideas, ideas have people.
Once you allow yourself to believe a lie, then the lie possesses you. You defend the lie, you protect the lie, even at the expense of reason.
When you are lying you might ask yourself, just exactly who’s got your tongue? Because you think it’s you, that just shows how much you know.
Once a lie is out, who has control over the lie? Or does the lie get out of your control?