Truth Video
Tekna Truth  

This is Why You Never Lie – Jordan Peterson

If you are not speaking the truth, then who is it that’s talking? If you’re saying something that you do not believe to be true, then it’s not you that’s talking, its something else. It might be the part of you that wants to manipulate the other person into delivering what you think you want from them.

Well what is that the spirit of manipulation that you’ve allowed to possess you its not you cause those are not your words. If you are a manipulator, and you use your language falsely, you don’t live your own life, you live the life of whatever possesses you when you think it’s you manipulating, and so you live the life of the spirit of manipulation, there’s now difference between that in some fundamental sense and demonic possession. so

If that’s what you want, go right ahead. But what you miss is the adventure of your own life.

You have no idea what will happen if all you do is say what you think, because you have to let go of everything just to do that, you have to assume that there isn’t anything better that can happen than what happens if you tell the truth, no matter what happens.

Jordan Peterson

This is a profound 1 minute video. In this video Jordan Peterson describes exactly what the Bible describes as demonic possession.

God allows each person to choose their own path for their life. You are free to choose the road of Truth, or you are free to follow and go down the path of life.

But when you choose to follow a lie, you have now chosen to live in a false reality. You no longer are living the life God has chosen for you, the path of reality and Truth, but the path of falsehood, the path of lies, which the Bible would call, the path of sin.

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