Truth Video
Tekna Truth  

When the Metaphorical Becomes Physical | Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

This is a perfect example of very smart and very enlightened individuals, that are shackled to their old ways of thinking or education, and are not willing to consider that their thinking or education might have missed something.

Let’s just consider, What if …

  • the spiritual is the real reality, and the physical is just the temporary reality
  • the author of Truth of reality is Jesus
  • the author or Truth has clearly made manifest what reality can be and is
  • there are spiritual forces all around us that are trying to hide or deceive us in knowing what reality is, knowing who God is, knowing the author or reality and Truth

Seek Truth at all costs, even the cost of throwing away all your education and well thought out plans and ideas

choose to be a child of Truth, a child of Reality, not a child of the lie

humbly asking the author of reality to reveal Himself, Truth and Reality to you

He will one way or another, eventually.

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